Handy Sofa Set%20https://www.scadeconcepts.com/product/handy-sofa-set/" class=" azm-social azm-btn azm-pill azm-shadow-bottom azm-whatsapp"> Order on Whatsapp
Very well built sofa and easy to assemble. Excellent finish. The cushions are just the right combination of comfort and firmness. ThisTeak Sofa Setfit together nicely and the parts that were already attached by the manufacturer, like the brackets that hold up the seating cushions.
Handy Sofa Set
Very well built sofa and easy to assemble. Excellent finish. The cushions are just the right combination of comfort and firmness. This Teak Sofa Set fit together nicely and the parts that were already attached by the manufacturer, like the brackets that hold up the seating cushions.
Material: 100% A Grade Teak Wood
Warranty: 2 Years