Rattan Dining Chair%20https://www.scadeconcepts.com/product/rattan-dining-chair/" class=" azm-social azm-btn azm-pill azm-shadow-bottom azm-whatsapp"> Order on Whatsapp
The Rattan Dining Chair is made with a 3mm Natural Rattan Wicker weave on a metal frame. This dining chair will bring a stylish touch to your table, or use it to complete a setting in a sunroom or even as an extra seat in the corner of the office. Its rich colour can either complement a dark pallet or compliment a light one with bringing a bit of contrast
Rattan Dining Chair
The Rattan Dining Chair is made with a 3mm Natural Rattan Wicker weave on a metal frame. This dining chair will bring a stylish touch to your table, or use it to complete a setting in a sunroom or even as an extra seat in the corner of the office. Its rich colour can either complement a dark pallet or compliment a light one with bringing a bit of contrast